Would you like to be put in the drawing for a free $30 Lowe’s gift card? We don’t really know anyone who wouldn’t want to take advantage of that! It’s easy and free to enter, all you have to do is complete a quick and confidential survey about firewood products! We are conducting a Kuhns Lumber Co. […]
Facebook G...
Kuhns Lumber Co. Facebook Giveaway Time! I’m sure we have all seen the weather warnings by now, apparently we are getting snow! The Kuhns Lumber family would like to challenge you to a game! Whoever can guess (to 1/8th of an inch) just how much snow we will get at 434 Swartz Road in Lewisburg, […]
Kuhns Lumb...
Polewood is being accepted at our Lewisburg, PA yard. Requirements: This polewood is required to have a 6 inch minimum small end, be reasonably straight, and be 12 foot and longer. In order to get Premium pricing, you must have a Kuhns Lumber Company employee sign your ticket. Species and Pricing: We are accepting red maple, ash, and cherry as well […]